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What kind of fertilizer is needed for potted plants?


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The types of potted vegetable fertilizer are as follows:
1. The requirements of vegetables for nutrient elementsartificial potted succulent Company
There are many nutrient elements needed for the growth and development of vegetables, mainly including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron, sulfur and other large elements and magnesium, boron, manganese, copper, zinc and other trace elements. Ammonia, phosphorus, and potassium are the three most important elements in demand. Generally, the content in culture cannot meet the needs of vegetable growth and development. It must be supplemented by fertilization. Generally, trace elements can be supplied during culture. The shortcomings should also be supplemented. However, only when the various elements coordinate with each other can the development of vegetables proceed normally. The following is a brief introduction to the functional mechanism of the main nutrient elements.
① Nitrogen: Nitrogen is the main component of plant protein, which can promote the growth of stems and leaves. When nitrogen fertilizer is adequately supplied, the leaves are large and bright green, the function period of the leaves is prolonged, and the growth of vegetables is strong. If there is too little nitrogen, the vegetable plants will be short and leaves. Small and pale. The old leaves are easy to turn yellow and fall off, and the internodes are short, but the nitrogen fertilizer should not be too much. Too much will make the stems and leaves lengthen and inhibit the formation of flower buds, and the branches and leaves are tender and vulnerable to pests and diseases.
② Phosphorus: Phosphorus is an important component of plant cell nucleus and protoplasm, as well as an indispensable element in the process of plant photosynthesis, protein and fat synthesis, and carbohydrate conversion. Phosphorus deficiency will hinder the synthesis of plant protein and affect the division and growth of new cells, causing slow growth of young shoots and roots, short plants, dark green leaves, small and few flowering, and affects fruiting, and both flowering and maturity are delayed. Increased application of phosphate fertilizer can promote the reproductive growth of vegetables.
③ Potassium: Potassium participates in many important physiological activities in plants, such as the synthesis and transportation of carbohydrates, and promotes the synthesis of cellulose and lignin. Therefore, potassium can make vegetable stalks stronger and improve the resistance to stress. Vegetable plants deficient in potassium tend to be thin and weak, with smaller leaves and shrinkage.
④Calcium: Calcium is one of the elements that make up the cell wall. Calcium deficiency often affects cell division, unable to form a new cell wall, and growth is inhibited.
⑤ Sulfur: Sulfur is one of the important components of protein and is related to chlorophyll synthesis. When sulfur is deficient, the plants are short, and the leaves and even veins of the tender leaves are also chlorosis.
⑥ Magnesium: Magnesium is a component of chlorophyll. Magnesium deficiency often causes the leaves to become green and yellow, and the veins become yellow, sometimes reddish purple, and in severe cases, brown spot necrosis is formed.

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